Business Continuity & Operational Recovery

Business Resilience

Protecting your business and swiftly recovering your IT from any disruptive event.

Technology is at the forefront of operational resilience. In today’s digitally dependent landscape, organizations of all sizes must prepare for recovery and continuity in the event of a system or data issue. This isn’t just for the assurance of returning to business as usual (BAU) but also for instilling confidence in your IT estate to compete and innovate.

Business resilience doesn’t fit neatly into a one-size-fits-all package. However, with DRAS, you have an expert partner ready to tackle the recovery challenge.

Our Business Resilience Solutions

DRAS Group’s business solutions support your business recovery by addressing challenges.


Recover and protect your organization's data. Select from a range of cost-effective options tailored for today's hybrid environments.

Disaster Recovery

Ensure the availability of your critical systems during an incident. Minimize downtime and reduce service disruption for both employees and customers.

Business continuity consultancy

Collaborate with our experts to develop a resilience capability that optimally balances risk appetite, operational demands, and budgetary constraints.

Address your business resilience challenges

Operational disturbances can affect your organization’s reputation, delivery availability, and customer satisfaction. Here are ways we can support your business recovery by addressing challenges such as:

Safeguarding against operational downtime

Stay operational and prevent estimated losses of £5000 per minute incurred when offline.

Ensuring the availability of your data and applications

Prioritize maintaining Business as Usual to sustain productivity, transactional capability, and profitability.

Enhancing risk profile to reduce insurance premiums

Utilize established business resilience measures to negotiate more competitive insurance coverage.

Safeguarding brand reputation and value

Shield your organization from post-incident share price volatility and unquantifiable brand damage and loss of confidence.

Addressing regulatory requirements

Achieve easier adherence to complex compliance demands regarding uptime, availability, and retention.

Safeguarding business data and systems in the event of a cybersecurity attack

Proactively establish a robust, tested recovery response to mitigate the effects of a cyber incident.

Prepare with a Business Resilience MOT

We assist you in preparing and attaining a lasting state of readiness that extends beyond a basic DR plan or a technology review.
Our experts guide your organization in comprehending how to plan, prepare, practice, and remain ready.


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Our purpose is to build solutions that remove barriers preventing people from doing their best work.